3 NEW Canning Tomatoes that are Better than San Marzano, Roma, and Amish Paste

I wanted to share with you my experience with three new canning tomatoes that I’ve tried this year, which I believe are even better than the popular San Marzano, Roma, and Amish Paste varieties. One of the tomatoes I’ve fallen in love with is the Hungarian Heart. It is disease resistant, produces well in hot conditions, and has a perfect flesh for making sauces and salsa. Another tomato that has impressed me is the Pomodoro Squisito, a San Marzano hybrid that is more resistant to blossom end rot. It has been a great performer in my garden, producing perfect-sized, fleshy paste tomatoes. Lastly, I’ve been enjoying the Paisano tomato, which is a larger and firm variety compared to the Roma. It holds up well during harvesting and doesn’t crush easily. These three new varieties have truly exceeded my expectations, and I hope by sharing my experience, you can find some inspiration for your own garden next year.

Variety 1: Hungarian Heart

If you’re looking for a tomato variety that is disease resistant and can withstand hot climates, then the Hungarian Heart is the perfect choice for you! This variety has a reputation for being a tough and resilient tomato plant, making it an ideal option for gardeners who face challenges such as subpar soil conditions or harsh weather conditions.

Not only is the Hungarian Heart heat-tolerant, but it also produces delicious tomatoes that are perfect to use in sauce and salsa recipes. The tomatoes from this variety have a rich, meaty texture and a slightly sweet flavor that adds a delightful taste to any dish. Whether you’re making a tangy pasta sauce or a zesty salsa, the Hungarian Heart tomatoes will surely impress your taste buds.

Variety 2: Pomodoro Squisito

For gardeners who are fans of the renowned San Marzano tomatoes, the Pomodoro Squisito is a fantastic choice. This variety is a hybrid that inherits the desirable traits of the San Marzano tomato, making it a reliable option for those looking to grow these classic tomatoes.

One of the standout features of the Pomodoro Squisito is its resistance to blossom end rot, a common problem that can affect tomato plants. Blossom end rot causes the fruit to develop a dark, leathery patch at the bottom, rendering it inedible. By choosing the Pomodoro Squisito, you can minimize the risk of experiencing this frustrating issue and enjoy a higher yield of healthy and delicious tomatoes.

3 NEW Canning Tomatoes that are Better than San Marzano, Roma, and Amish Paste

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Variety 3: Paisano

If you prefer larger Roma tomatoes, then the Paisano variety might be your new favorite. This variety consistently produces larger tomatoes compared to the traditional Roma variety, giving you more bang for your buck.

In addition to their size, Paisano tomatoes are known for their firm texture and ability to hold up well during cooking. You won’t have to worry about your sauce or stew turning watery with these tomatoes. Furthermore, the Paisano variety exhibits a higher resistance to blossom end rot, which means you can enjoy more of the fruits of your labor without any disappointments.

Variety 4: Opalka

Are you gardening in a hot climate? Look no further than the Opalka variety. These heat-tolerant tomatoes are well-suited for regions with scorching temperatures, making them an excellent choice for gardeners dealing with intense summer heat.

Opalka tomatoes are not only able to withstand high temperatures, but they are also known for their large and fleshy fruit. If you’re looking for a tomato variety with a substantial amount of flesh, perfect for canning or slicing, then the Opalka variety will not disappoint. This variety is also an excellent producer, ensuring you have plenty of tomatoes for your culinary needs.

3 NEW Canning Tomatoes that are Better than San Marzano, Roma, and Amish Paste

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Variety 5: Federally

The Federally tomato variety is a bit of a mixed bag, with reviews varying among gardeners. Some have found success with this variety, praising its taste and productivity, while others have experienced disappointments, particularly regarding its productivity.

One thing to note about the Federally tomato is that it may be a late producer. If you’re someone who enjoys the anticipation and patience that comes with waiting for your tomato plants to bear fruit, then the Federally variety might be worth a try. However, if you’re looking for a tomato variety that consistently produces early and abundantly, you may want to explore other options.

Pink Fang Update

In other tomato news, we have an update on the Pink Fang variety. This tomato has continued to be a great producer, delighting gardeners with its consistent yield of flavorful fruit. If you’re looking for a reliable tomato variety that you can count on year after year, the Pink Fang is definitely one to consider.

With its sweet and tangy taste, the Pink Fang can be enjoyed fresh in salads or used to add a burst of flavor to your favorite dishes. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, the Pink Fang is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and rewarding tomato plant.

3 NEW Canning Tomatoes that are Better than San Marzano, Roma, and Amish Paste

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Other Paste Tomato Varieties

While we’ve covered some fantastic paste tomato varieties so far, we are always open to trying new varieties and hearing suggestions from our viewers. There are countless tomato varieties out there, each with its own unique characteristics and qualities.

If you have a favorite paste tomato variety that you believe deserves recognition, we would love to hear from you. Share with us your recommendations and experiences with other paste tomato varieties. Together, we can continue to explore the wide world of tomatoes and find new favorites to add to our gardens.

Remember, whether you choose the Hungarian Heart, Pomodoro Squisito, Paisano, Opalka, Federally, or the Pink Fang, growing your own tomatoes is an incredibly rewarding experience. There’s nothing quite like picking a ripe, juicy tomato straight from your garden and savoring the incredible flavors that nature has to offer. So, get your green thumbs ready, and let’s bring a taste of summer to our plates with these fantastic paste tomato varieties!